Thursday Oct. 12th

NTNU -The Norwegian University of Science and Technology

12.15 Digital Authorship -lecture and workshop about software art
Anna Notaro, doctor, Duncan of Jordanstone College of Art & Design, Dundee, UK and Letizia Jaccheri, Professor, NTNU, Norway

16.00 END, workshop


17.00 Registration, NoMuTe

18.00 Opening

18.15 The Evolution of an Idea
Keynote speaker Paul Lansky, Princeton University, USA

19.15 BREAK

19.30 Wo/man in the machine: The perception of artificiality and humanness in electrovocal music
Andreas Bergsland, NTNU, Norway

19.50 Musical analysis through reconstruction: Methods for discussing the music of Autechre
Alex Mesker, Macquarie University, Australia

20.10 Challenges in the study of musical body movements
Alexander R. Jensenius, University of Oslo, Norway



21.00 “Ivory and Ebony”
Eleazar Garzon, University of Córdoba, Argentina

21.10 “Fragmentedvoice”
Gyrid N. Kaldestad, Norway

21.20 Frank Ekeberg, NTNU, Norway

21.40 Paul Lansky, Princeton University, USA